Thursday, December 26, 2013

Old Zealand

Wow, it's been a few months since I've written anything. I've had my fair share of synchronicities and weird happenstances since my last post, but nothing so mind boggling that I felt the urge to run to the computer and blog to my heart's content. Until two days ago.

12/23/13: I'm sitting in my girlfriend's apartment, waiting for her to be off of work. I decide to pass the time with netflix. I'm a fan of Joe Pesci but I have only seen a small chunk of his filmography. One movie that completely passed me by was 1994's 'Jimmy Hollywood' starring Pesci and Christian Slater. Since it was available online, I gave it a shot, what the hell. The movie was okay. Nothing too funny or exciting. I only got about 30 minutes in when I got distracted by other things. 

12/24/13: While at my girlfriend's parent's house for Christmas, I decide to text my fellow movie-loving brother, Nick about 'Jimmy Hollywood'. I was curious if he had ever seen it.  He responds with,

"Yea. Best line: "Is there an Old Zealand?""

This line must have occurred in the movie after the 30 minute mark, because I didn't hear it until Nick said something.

Two hours later...

Nick texts me again. This time he tells me that his girlfriend just asked him, out of the blue, "Is there an Old Zealand?"

Mind = Blown. 
 And by the way, there is an Old Zealand. It's just called Zeeland and it's a province in the Netherlands. You really do learn something new everyday.

This will be my final post of the year of the snake (Unless of course something truly amazing occurs within the next week). 2013 started off a little rocky for me but ended up extremely euphoric. I can not wait to see what the year of the horse has in store. YEEEEE-HAAAWWW!

'Jimmy Hollywood' was released in theaters on 3-30-94


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A Matter of Minutes

Sunday evening. September 29th, 2013.

I rented Twilight Zone The Movie earlier that day and when I came home from work, I wanted to watch a random episode from the 80s version of the show.

I searched YouTube for "Twilight Zone 80s". One of the top videos in the results was an episode called 'A Matter of Minutes'. To be honest, the main reason I chose to watch this one was because it was on the shorter side.

It turned out to be a pretty intriguing episode. In a nutshell, each minute is it's own place and a married couple get trapped in 11:37. You can watch the episode here: 'A MATTER OF MINUTES'.

While watching it, I was planning on posting it to this blog, but it was when a 33 popped up that confirmed it all.

Fun Fact: 
a 2013 also shows up on the screenshot

And then a second confirmation came up when I opened a new window on YouTube, only to see this:

On top of all this, it turned 9:33pm while it all went down.

Another Fun Fact:
The episode premiered on my Dad's birthday; 3 weeks after I was born. He turned 33.


Saturday, September 14, 2013


I was listening to a recent episode of 'The Joe Rogan Experience' last night while driving. The guest was Duncan Trussell. Brian Redban was also on. They all got in to a conversation about super gonorrhea and other things capable of killing humans. They went on to say that pretty much anything will kill at least one person.

Joe: Aspirin kills people-

Duncan: Pencils-

Joe: Peanut butter.

It was at this point that I thought in my head: 
It'd be funny if they kept going with this and either Redban or Duncan said: Legos.

Just as a joke of course.

Well it was about 30 seconds later when Duncan says the following:
"Guaranteed someone's died from Legos..."

Pretty weird.

Listen to the full episode here.


Sunday, August 18, 2013

Holy Fucking Shit!

My Mother is a saint. I love her dearly.
But truth be told, she's usually in bed by 7 on any given night.
So to get a text from her at 9:42 her time, 10:42 mine, is strange enough.

So I'm sitting on my bed in New Mexico while she's in Lake Tahoe.

I'm listening to a song my friend John turned me on to called Clean Elvis by Dan Reeder.

I'm at the part where he sings the words..."I will always love you"

It's at this PRECISE moment in time that my Mom decides to text me out of the blue to say, verbatim: 
"I will always love you!"

WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?!?!?


P.S. I love you too Mom!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Candy & the Green Chile Aroma

Long time no post, but have no fear, for this week was full of intrigue and esoteric goodies.

I recently got into Scott Onstott's work. A very enlightening individual.

I had the pleasure of downloading his interview on Red Ice Radio.

Something he mentioned that really piqued my interest was the connection between the speed of light and the location of the Great Pyramids.

It seems that no matter how hard you might try to ignore it, there will always be patterns, nearly everywhere.

So this morning, my Father and I are discussing a recent Area 51 disclosure. If you can even call it that. I mentioned how the really interesting aspects of all this "Hidden Information" is the stuff that people know but are sworn to secrecy. Either literally or just by their own fear or confusion.  I was thinking how the REALLY juicy forbidden fruit is truly unknowable. 

Fast forward a few hours. I'm at work, carrying some boxes to a woman's car.  Her name is Candy.

The grocery store next to my work is roasting green chile (A New Mexican tradition).  Candy, perhaps just making small talk, says: "You're probably too young to know this, but that's how San Francisco smelled in the 60s"  Now I assumed Frisco in the 60s smelled more like pot and jizz, but that's just me.  She goes on to say how she worked for the army in the presidio and attended UC Berkeley and briefly touched on how she knew about some military knowledge. Namely advanced technology. She told me how she would hear about government funded technology and then a year later see a film, featuring said technology.  The one movie she mentioned was "Meteor" starring Sean Connery and Natalie Wood.  A movie I will be watching later tonight.  Candy goes on to talking about the original Star Trek series. Mentioning how they had doors that opened when you walked up to them, and now every business has the same thing. Candy: "Sometimes, someone has an idea for something but doesn't know how to physically create it. They put this idea out there and someone else is able to create it."  Back to her stint at UC Berkeley, of course she was an Egyptology major.  So this is when I ask her about the speed of light correlation. She had heard of it before and said, "There are a lot of strange things in the world. My husband and I used to own a ranch next to the desert where the "UFO" apparently crashed in Roswell. Sometimes you can't avoid it."

Yes, I had to use the poster that featured the WTC
It's always refreshing, being able to talk to someone about these subjects. My co-workers had little to no interest in my conversation with her and simply responded with a "Well, there's a lot of crazy people in this town."

The problem is, eccentricity is not necessarily insanity. I believed what she said. There was such a confidence to her voice and she didn't seem the least bit nutty. 


Thursday, May 23, 2013

A bit further down the rabbit hole I go

I'll start this one off just assuming that no one has read my maiden post or the ones following it. Here's a brief rundown of my experience with the numbers 33 and 333

It began in the mid-later part of 2002. I was a 16 year old sophomore in a small town in the valley of California. I did have access to the internet but this was a time when the internet we know was in diapers. You couldn't just look up anything like you can now. I can't say the exact moment it happened, but at some point in this time of my life, I began seeing the numbers 33 and 333 everywhere. It would always show up on receipts, the back of sports jerseys, randomly spray painted on a baseball dugout at my Mother's old elementary school in Belmont, CA.  There was a point where I realized, okay, I'm seeing this much more often than I should. I told my family and friends about it but no one seemed to have much interest in it. Some thought I was exaggerating. Others believed I was purposely looking for them. My classmates at the time scared me into thinking that March 3, 2003 (3-3-03) would be the day of my death. That date came along and nothing happened. After that, the numbers seemed to go away. Possibly because I was trying to ignore it or just going through a transitional period of my life when the real world was about to approach. It wasn't until about 5 years later that the numbers returned in full force. And now, in 2013, I still see them daily. Now that the internet is a functionable resource tool, I felt it was time to finally get to the bottom of this weirdness.  To my surprise, it turned out that this phenomenon is not totally uncommon. People have reported for a while that they too see patterns in numbers. 333 is a spiritual or angel number if you will. The following are some common interpretations:

Seeing any repeating number is a sign that there is a current issue in your life and the numbers are a sign to get you to pay attention. It is a persons subconscious trying to make them aware of something consciously.

Number 333 resonates with the vibrations and energies of number 3, appearing three times, tripling its influences. 

"This sign indicates that your Spirit Guides agree with your thoughts and feelings and could be interpreted as a Cosmic 'Yes!' to questions you have asked or ideas you may have."

So let's get in to the "3" aspect of all of this. Here's where it gets a little weird.
I am the 3rd son to my Mother.
She is the 3rd child of her Mother.
I was raised on 3rd street.
I was born on January 3rd.
These are all objective facts. Whether or not they mean anything beyond a simple coincidence, I may never well know.

But it doesn't stop there.
This is a card my Mother had to fill out on the day I entered this material realm. 

 Notice the room number is 330A. It was scratched out and replaced with a 321B. I asked my Mom why this was. She doesn't remember why she wrote anything the way she did. Maybe I was born in the 33 room and placed in 32 with the other newborns? I can't say. The fact of the matter is, a 33 was written down on the day of my birth. 

After I found this card while looking through a box of old memories, I found the certificate for my baptism.

The envelope having a 33 in the zip code for where my family lived in 1986.

And the baptism itself occurring on March 30 (3-30).

But it doesn't stop there.

 That's a 333 on the back of my social security card. Ya know, that vital piece of documentation given to you when you become an official resident of this reality?

I feel like these are all big, cosmic signs that at this point, are just beating me over the head, screaming, "PAY ATTENTION!" But to what?

I suppose it's anyones guess at this point. A part of me feels like the answers are all inside me and it's only a matter of knowing where and how to look. 

In a few days, I will be moving back to New Mexico for a 3rd time. Hoping that it will be a charm. To a house with an address reading 1133
I hit a very low point in my life last month, and things got scary. Thoughts of suicide had entered into my head for the first time in my life. It was a shock to my system and really jolted me awake. I can safely say now that those thoughts are so ridiculously frightening that I will do whatever I can to make sure I never have them again. The one thing that made me not go through with a very devastating and fatal decision was the note I would leave behind. I realized while thinking about writing it, that it would be too long. There are so many people in my life that I appreciate more than words could ever express. There are so many thoughts and feelings I want to share, but haven't yet. It made me realize that if that's the case, then how depressed can I really be? I also came to the conclusion that maybe sometimes, you have to hit your lowest point before you can begin climbing back to the top. The morning after I had these morbid feelings infect my consciousness, I found this on the windshield of my car...

Inside the paper was a 10$ gift card to Safeway. I guess it's important to note too that I've never received anything like this before. For whatever reason, the person who decided to place this on my car felt like mine was more worthy than the 12 others cars on my street? 

It is undeniable to me, that there is something going on in this world far beyond any of our comprehension. Perhaps these subtle signs are just glimpses into the true reality. 
What that reality anyone's guess.


Saturday, May 4, 2013

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

A poem by my dear friend, Aislinn.

Aislinn is a friend I feel so deeply connected with it sometimes startles me. It startles me because I've never met Aislinn in person. Though I've been lucky enough to call her my friend for the last 4 years.  I'm always excited when she writes something new and am very thrilled to be able to share her work. She's been kind enough to let me post her poem, DROGUE. I'm smitten with it. Ya know what? I will not be surprised in the least if when I die and depart this material realm and head toward the ether, that the divine creator of all creation will tell me:

"Your souls were somehow linked together from the beginning. You two knew each other before the fabric of time was even sewn."

Not to sound like an intergalactic creeper, but I really do think she might be my soul mate. And if not...friendies for life y'all! I mean Aislinn means "Dream" so maybe that's the universe subtly saying:
"Pfft. Yeah, keep dreaming buddy." 

Without further ado...


Monday, April 8, 2013

A Bag of Eyeballs

I'm always watching a seemingly random order of television episodes pulled from different genres. Netflix makes it very easy. Also hulu, crackle and of course YouTube (the original gangsta).

I had already watched all of 'Workaholics' before Saturday night, but some episodes slipped from my memory. I decided to revisit Season 3's Episode 4: "To Kill a Chupacabraj". At one point, when the main trio are trying to intimidate their hostage, they pull the old 'blindfolded grape eyeballs in a bag trick'. But since this is a comedy, they use a clear plastic bag and forget to blindfold the guy. This episode was originally released on June 19, 2012.

A couple hours pass and I've watched other shows and movies.

There's an animated series that I've been hearing about/seeing on t-shirts for a while now. Cartoon Network's 'Adventure Time'. The first season was recently added to netflix so I decided to give it a chance. I randomly chose an episode. Episode 11: "Wizard", for obvious reasons (wizards are awesome). This one premiered on May 10, 2010. The two main characters are training with a frog/sentient sperm swarm sorcerer to become full fledged wizards. One of the tests just so happens to be the old 'blindfolded grape eyeballs in a bag trick'.

In my opinion, these were two completely random episodes to choose to watch in such tight proximity of one another.  Plus the episodes weren't even halloween themed or shown originally in October.

Also I'd like to note that I was pleased that the hype around 'Adventure Time' didn't disappoint. The show is pretty cool.

So what does this mean (if anything)? 
Are my eyeballs in danger?
Is there something I should be looking at?
Am I focused on something I shouldn't be?
Am I seeing things the way they should be seen?


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Meg Foster and her hypnotic eyeballs

The following events occurred on Monday, March 4, 2013.

First point to make is that during Monday morning, my brother mentioned to me that ever since I told him about the owl that sometimes shows up outside the right side of the house, he now has been hearing it. And he didn't before I brought it up.

Monday started off with a video of Bill Hicks:

Between 3 and 3:30 pm, I was on the computer watching a trailer for Rob Zombie's 'Lords of Salem'. Toward the end, when they showed three witches, I noticed one of them resembling an old wrinkly Meg Foster (They Live, Oblivion (1994), Masters of the Universe). So I head to IMDb to see if it's her. It was her and it just so happens that one of her more recent credits is a film called '333'.

I should also note something I just realized while writing this. The two movies in question have her playing a character with two Ms. MM resonating Mercury's Messenger AKA Christopher Hunter Myers. Someone who has recently piqued my interest in Magick.

So it turns out '333' was retitled, 'Tormented Souls'. While watching the film's trailer, this screenshot appears:

"This world is a lie and mankind's only wish is to be deceived."

It was at this point that I started hearing hooting. Yes, the owl happened to show up outside the window at the exact moment of synchronicity. I went outside to look at it but it was already gone. 

Fast forward about an hour. We're out and about, looking for a fix-it part (I don't want to bore myself with the details yet alone the reader). The person I'm with wanted a drink so we stop at a gas station. When we get there, I see a woman just staring at a dog tied up outside. I didn't see anything particularly interesting about it. That was until it looked at me. Jet black fur and piercing blue/white eyes. I shit you not, Meg Foster eyes like a motherfucker. This picture might not show exactly how hypnotic they were, but it definitely stood out as something meaningful. 

It always blows my mind when something like this happens. For one, I could have chosen to go to any gas station in town. But it just so happened that we ended up at one containing a dog with Meg Foster eyes. And the timing is a factor also. Had we taken a wrong turn, hit a stop light/traffic, that dog may not have been there.

Weird shit. Weird, weird shit.


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Papal Pandemonium

About 3 weeks ago, I was introduced to a character from Marvel that I previously had no knowledge of. His name is Gallowglass and he's the son of Thanos (a big baddie) It's also a class of Scot warriors. I made a note to myself when this name and term came into my life. It was an experiment of sorts, to see how long it might take for gallowglass to pop up again without me deliberately seeking it out. The day has come. On Cupid's birthday none the less. While looking at the filmography of Michael Sheen, an actor I like, I see that one of his credits is for a film guessed it...."Gallowglass". I felt like that was a big enough sign to catapult me in to posting about a recent pope sync that blew my socks off.

Monday February 11th, 2013, as we all know, is the date that Pope Benedict announced his resignation from the dark throne of darkness. This is a pretty big deal. Regardless if you buy in to the 'Peter the Roman "conspiracy"'. This is the first time a pope has resigned in some 700 years. Talk about an historical moment. I woke up to this news and found it odd to say the least, just because March 2013 was already in my head as a potential "End of times" date. But Dec. 21, 2012 came and went, so I'll keep that idea on the back burner for the time being.  It's perfect timing though. Apparently, the 112th pope will be the last pope, before end times. Benedict is 111th. So take that as you will. 

So on to the sync. Probably around 7 or 8pm on Monday, my brother Nick tells me about a book he was just reading (He reads about 2 or 3 a week, I believe). The book being 'Bel-Ami'.  A French novel from the 19th century. I acknowledged this, but really didn't give it much thought. Fast forward a couple hours. I end up bringing up (seemingly on a whim) the story of Jesus walking on water. Being someone who knows very little about the bible, I questioned whether or not the story shows up in the holy book or was a story made up, later on. QUICK, TO WIKIPEDIA! Nick simply searches, 'Jesus walking on water.' Wouldn't ya know it, a page for that specific miracle exists. And the very first image on the page is this:

Here's where things get weird. Nick tells me that the painting on the page was described in a scene in 'Bel-Ami'. In fact, it was the last thing he read about, in said book. This is odd to say the least.  There are many pictures of Jesus walking on water. But for whatever reason, the wikipedia page used THIS one. We racked our brains for the rest of the night. How did this happen?

Did I subconsciously read Nick's thoughts?
Did I read Bel-Ami in a past life and plan the connection unknowingly?
Maybe because of my Catholic upbringing, some thing within me triggered because everyone was thinking about the pope that day?
Or perhaps it was just a simple act of fate?

But the question isn't how. It's why. Let's say Jesus walking on water, or the metaphor within, was a mystical message from a higher power. What could it/she/he be trying to tell us?

Let's add a little lighter fluid to these charcoals of curiosity.  Here's the story from the bible:

And straightway he constrained the disciples to enter into the boat, and to go before him unto the other side, till he should send the multitudes away.
23 And after he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into the mountain apart to pray: and when even was come, he was there alone.
24 But the boat was now in the midst of the sea, distressed by the waves; for the wind was contrary.
25 And in the fourth watch of the night he came unto them, walking upon the sea.
26 And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a ghost; and they cried out for fear.
27 But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid.
28 And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee upon the waters.
29 And he said, Come. And Peter went down from the boat, and walked upon the waters to come to Jesus.
30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried out, saying, Lord, save me.
31 And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and took hold of him, and saith unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?
32 And when they were gone up into the boat, the wind ceased.
33 And they that were in the boat worshipped him, saying, Of a truth thou art the Son of God.

Yeah, so Peter was the one involved in this story.  Peter being the name of the inevitable papal replacement.  Yes, you can say, "Well, Peter was in a lot of the bible" He was. But so was Mark, Matthew, John, Ezekial, fucking a ton of people were in that book. The indisputable fact here, is that PETER was featured in the miracle. 

Let's end this with some pictures.  I searched for Peter Turkson, the supposed Petrus Romanus. On his wikipedia page lies this image: 

And if you wikipedia search: Papal Conclave, 2013, you get THIS image:

Both have different objects on top, but both look like flying saucers to me. Especially Peter Turkson's. That's the shit I used to draw in 4th grade.
Lately, I have found that when I research heavily in to some kind of synchronicity or just an esoteric subject, it always seems to come back to aliens.  

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!

UPDATE: 2/20/2013 
I forgot to mention in the original post, what happened to St. Peter's church after the Pope resigned.
 It looked something like this...

When I first read this article, the word basilica (Roman public building or the tribunal chamber of a King) stood out. It reminded me of the word basilisk. Which is a "legendary reptile reputed to be king of serpents...
How fitting.

Love, Dom

Friday, January 25, 2013

Tuesday tuesday tuesday

So it was the afternoon of Wednesday, January 23rd that I was having lunch with my friend John. It never usually takes us long to get in to the esoteric discussions. I had mentioned to him how sometimes I'll rent 2 or 3 movies with little to no discernible connection and end up finding similarities. Whether it be theme, same actors, or even an obscure reference that just so happens to appear in both/all films.  Actually, I once watched the classic John Ritter rumpus, 'Stay Tuned' and realized how similar the plot was to the recent, 'Cabin in the Woods'.  Maybe I'll write an entry on that one day.

So Wednesday night, I decided to rent some vids. I end up getting 'The Three Musketeers', 'Tower Heist', and 'The Fourth Kind.'  I haven't seen any of them before and I watch them in that order. 'Three Musketeers' wasn't the worst thing ever, but it wasn't the best thing either. I got exactly what I expected out of it. At times, it was fun and action packed and the cast was good even if they didn't have a lot to work with. One line that is repeated twice in the film goes like this:

Constance: Are you always this cocky?
D'Artagnan: Only on Tuesdays...and whenever beautiful women are involved.

There are no other days mentioned throughout the film.

On to 'Tower Heist'. Pretty solid cast, but in the end, Eddie Murphy is the only one who can make me laugh. And as far as sex appeal goes, you will have to look elsewhere. All they give you is Tea Leoni and the girl from 'Precious'. Yeah, it is what it is. Tea plays a cop, Claire Denham, Ben Stiller is Josh Kovaks. There's one scene where they get a little tipsy together at a NY watering hole.

Claire: The last time I drank this much at a bar, I made out with a firefighter.
Josh: Really? How long ago was that?
Claire: Tuesday.
(They both laugh)

When this scene occurred, I was taken back a little. It was obvious enough of a reference to write down.  

I watched 'The Fourth Kind' the next morning. I was waiting for a Tuesday reference. Of course, if the movie ended up having a scene where some woman reads her weekly planner aloud, then I wouldn't have counted it.  About an hour and 15 minutes in, I figured if it hadn't happened yet, it probably won't.  
Low and behold:

Man interviewing main character:
Interviewer: Let's go back three days. To Tuesday.

And yes, that is the only time a day is mentioned throughout the entire film.

Also, there were about 6 or 7 
33 or 333s. And SPOILER ALERT...the alien abductions occurred at 3:33 am.
It is what it is, and if it wasn't, it would be something else.

Besides these apparent Tuesday references, there were two other similarities to note.

Milla Jovovich appears in both 'Musketeers' and 'Fourth Kind'. 

A chess game between Kovacs and his antagonist in 'Tower Heist' is an underlying theme throughout the movie and there is a chess match between the Cardinal and the young King of France in 'Musketeers'.

The English name is derived from Old English Tiwesdæg and Middle English Tewesday, meaning "Tīw's Day", the day of Tiw or Týr, the god of single combat, victory and heroic glory in Norse mythology. Tiw was equated with Mars in the interpretatio romana, and the name of the day is a translation of Latin dies Martis.

The Latin name dies Martis ("day of Mars") is equivalent to the Greek ἡμέρα Ἄρεως. In most languages with Latin origins (FrenchSpanishCatalanItalianRomanianGallicianSardinianCorsican, but notPortuguese), the day is named after Mars, the Roman god of war.

  • Black Tuesday, in the United States, refers to Tuesday, October 29, 1929, part of the great Stock Market Crash of 1929. This was the Tuesday after Black Thursday. The crash is said to have marked the start of the Great Depression.
  • Patch Tuesday is the second Tuesday of every month when Microsoft releases patches for their products. Some system administrators call this day Black Tuesday.
  • Shrove Tuesday (also called Mardi Gras - fat Tuesday) precedes the first day of Lent in the Western Christian calendar.
  • Super Tuesday is the day many American states hold their presidential primary elections.


I don't wish for anything bad to happen on Tuesday, and I hope me even talking about this, is okay. But let's just say that January 29th rolls around and something does occur, you can come back here and see the time stamp below. I may even be lucky and Tuesday could bring something good. Or Tuesday can come and go like most other Tuesdays. 

 If the universe was trying to convey messages via media, then Tuesday IS a message. What that message may entail, if anything, is up to me to figure out.


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Tabloid Tableau

While waiting in line at the grocery store, you inevitably find yourself face to face with tabloid magazines.  I suppose you could always look the other direction and peruse the candy selection, but then you'll most likely end up buying some. The other day, one of the back covers of a popular magazine, "PEOPLE", caught my eye.

This is a 2012 'yearbook' collage.

Geriatric actor turned director yelling at an empty chair?
Blue haired big tittie pop star?
Child actress turned DUI enthusiast/probation collector?
Brad Pitt?
South Korean pop star doing a horse dance?
Screenshot from a movie where tweens & teenagers fight to the death?
Obese little girl known for eating melted butter 'n' ketchup?
Mass killer responsible for the death of 12 and injuring of 58 innocent people in a movie theater?

Are these sick fucks at 'People' really trying to tell us that deranged murderers go hand in hand with movie stars? Could that not, if only subconsciously, influence copy cats? Giving them some sort of false hope that if they also commit heinous crimes, they can be celebrities?
