Saturday, March 15, 2014

Dos Amigos

Back in early 2003, I wasn’t intently aware of synchronicity. To me, things may just turn out to be a “coincidence”. Now I feel coincidences do not exist. The deeper I dive into the subject, the more I discover about myself and the world around me.
It was the beginning of 2003 when I met my best friend, John. On a day like any other, the two of us were hanging out with our mutual friends, the Shockeys. I wanted pizza. John also wanted pizza. No one else did. That was the first time John and I ever spent time together, one on one. We walked down the street to Ripon’s number one parlor, Pizza Plus. We got our slices and began to learn about one another. I explain to him how before meeting the Shockeys, I had two friends that weren’t the nicest of people. Two kids from the “rich” part of town. I myself being from the “not so rich” part of town. John went on to tell me that he came from a very similar position. His two old friends were from that same privileged part of Ripon. It was about this time when out of the blue, the ex-friends that I was just discussing, walked right up to our booth.
This occurred at a time when synchronicities just came and went throughout my life. I never entertained the thought of these unusual happenstances for very long. Over the years, John became the best friend I’ve ever had the pleasure of having.  And over time, I began to realize that more synchronicities existed between us. Such as…

-We both have older brothers who were in the same graduating class. (In fact, they performed music together before John and I ever met.
-Both our parents got divorced around the same time. Our Dads also got remarried/started having more kids at the same period.
-Two interests that complement each other are prevalent in our lives. Film (Me) and Music (John). I was the filmmaker in high school while John was the musician.
-We both love pizza (but who doesn’t, am I right?)

At this juncture in my life, I’m convinced that if souls are indeed eternal, then John and I’s have
been friends long before this current incarnation that we are experiencing. Friends are an important aspect of this life. Generally, people feel the inherent need to get along with their blood relatives. To find someone from a different walk of life that you choose to associate with, is a tremendous feeling. And I already knew a long time ago that I will continue to be friends with John until the end of this life and the end of the ones proceeding it.
