Thursday, May 23, 2013

A bit further down the rabbit hole I go

I'll start this one off just assuming that no one has read my maiden post or the ones following it. Here's a brief rundown of my experience with the numbers 33 and 333

It began in the mid-later part of 2002. I was a 16 year old sophomore in a small town in the valley of California. I did have access to the internet but this was a time when the internet we know was in diapers. You couldn't just look up anything like you can now. I can't say the exact moment it happened, but at some point in this time of my life, I began seeing the numbers 33 and 333 everywhere. It would always show up on receipts, the back of sports jerseys, randomly spray painted on a baseball dugout at my Mother's old elementary school in Belmont, CA.  There was a point where I realized, okay, I'm seeing this much more often than I should. I told my family and friends about it but no one seemed to have much interest in it. Some thought I was exaggerating. Others believed I was purposely looking for them. My classmates at the time scared me into thinking that March 3, 2003 (3-3-03) would be the day of my death. That date came along and nothing happened. After that, the numbers seemed to go away. Possibly because I was trying to ignore it or just going through a transitional period of my life when the real world was about to approach. It wasn't until about 5 years later that the numbers returned in full force. And now, in 2013, I still see them daily. Now that the internet is a functionable resource tool, I felt it was time to finally get to the bottom of this weirdness.  To my surprise, it turned out that this phenomenon is not totally uncommon. People have reported for a while that they too see patterns in numbers. 333 is a spiritual or angel number if you will. The following are some common interpretations:

Seeing any repeating number is a sign that there is a current issue in your life and the numbers are a sign to get you to pay attention. It is a persons subconscious trying to make them aware of something consciously.

Number 333 resonates with the vibrations and energies of number 3, appearing three times, tripling its influences. 

"This sign indicates that your Spirit Guides agree with your thoughts and feelings and could be interpreted as a Cosmic 'Yes!' to questions you have asked or ideas you may have."

So let's get in to the "3" aspect of all of this. Here's where it gets a little weird.
I am the 3rd son to my Mother.
She is the 3rd child of her Mother.
I was raised on 3rd street.
I was born on January 3rd.
These are all objective facts. Whether or not they mean anything beyond a simple coincidence, I may never well know.

But it doesn't stop there.
This is a card my Mother had to fill out on the day I entered this material realm. 

 Notice the room number is 330A. It was scratched out and replaced with a 321B. I asked my Mom why this was. She doesn't remember why she wrote anything the way she did. Maybe I was born in the 33 room and placed in 32 with the other newborns? I can't say. The fact of the matter is, a 33 was written down on the day of my birth. 

After I found this card while looking through a box of old memories, I found the certificate for my baptism.

The envelope having a 33 in the zip code for where my family lived in 1986.

And the baptism itself occurring on March 30 (3-30).

But it doesn't stop there.

 That's a 333 on the back of my social security card. Ya know, that vital piece of documentation given to you when you become an official resident of this reality?

I feel like these are all big, cosmic signs that at this point, are just beating me over the head, screaming, "PAY ATTENTION!" But to what?

I suppose it's anyones guess at this point. A part of me feels like the answers are all inside me and it's only a matter of knowing where and how to look. 

In a few days, I will be moving back to New Mexico for a 3rd time. Hoping that it will be a charm. To a house with an address reading 1133
I hit a very low point in my life last month, and things got scary. Thoughts of suicide had entered into my head for the first time in my life. It was a shock to my system and really jolted me awake. I can safely say now that those thoughts are so ridiculously frightening that I will do whatever I can to make sure I never have them again. The one thing that made me not go through with a very devastating and fatal decision was the note I would leave behind. I realized while thinking about writing it, that it would be too long. There are so many people in my life that I appreciate more than words could ever express. There are so many thoughts and feelings I want to share, but haven't yet. It made me realize that if that's the case, then how depressed can I really be? I also came to the conclusion that maybe sometimes, you have to hit your lowest point before you can begin climbing back to the top. The morning after I had these morbid feelings infect my consciousness, I found this on the windshield of my car...

Inside the paper was a 10$ gift card to Safeway. I guess it's important to note too that I've never received anything like this before. For whatever reason, the person who decided to place this on my car felt like mine was more worthy than the 12 others cars on my street? 

It is undeniable to me, that there is something going on in this world far beyond any of our comprehension. Perhaps these subtle signs are just glimpses into the true reality. 
What that reality anyone's guess.


Saturday, May 4, 2013