Thursday, December 26, 2013

Old Zealand

Wow, it's been a few months since I've written anything. I've had my fair share of synchronicities and weird happenstances since my last post, but nothing so mind boggling that I felt the urge to run to the computer and blog to my heart's content. Until two days ago.

12/23/13: I'm sitting in my girlfriend's apartment, waiting for her to be off of work. I decide to pass the time with netflix. I'm a fan of Joe Pesci but I have only seen a small chunk of his filmography. One movie that completely passed me by was 1994's 'Jimmy Hollywood' starring Pesci and Christian Slater. Since it was available online, I gave it a shot, what the hell. The movie was okay. Nothing too funny or exciting. I only got about 30 minutes in when I got distracted by other things. 

12/24/13: While at my girlfriend's parent's house for Christmas, I decide to text my fellow movie-loving brother, Nick about 'Jimmy Hollywood'. I was curious if he had ever seen it.  He responds with,

"Yea. Best line: "Is there an Old Zealand?""

This line must have occurred in the movie after the 30 minute mark, because I didn't hear it until Nick said something.

Two hours later...

Nick texts me again. This time he tells me that his girlfriend just asked him, out of the blue, "Is there an Old Zealand?"

Mind = Blown. 
 And by the way, there is an Old Zealand. It's just called Zeeland and it's a province in the Netherlands. You really do learn something new everyday.

This will be my final post of the year of the snake (Unless of course something truly amazing occurs within the next week). 2013 started off a little rocky for me but ended up extremely euphoric. I can not wait to see what the year of the horse has in store. YEEEEE-HAAAWWW!

'Jimmy Hollywood' was released in theaters on 3-30-94
