Thursday, December 27, 2012

December 21st, 2012 (I know)

So I think it was either 2008 or 2009 when I first caught wind of the winter solstice of 2012 bringing about an Apocalypse/Transcendental Awakening/Pole Shift/Solar Flare idea.

I was interested but skeptical and kind of remained that way up until 12/21/12.  There were definitely times where I was really amped for some kind of spiritually enlightening cosmological happenstance to actually occur, but it always felt like wishful thinking at the end of the day. Regardless of what anyone thought would happen or even hoped would occur, the fact is, it was a very intriguing moment for mankind.  

On the day of December 21st I heard a story by Barbara Hand Clow on Red Ice saying how the day is significant for her on a personal level now because she became a Grandmother for the first time.  The idea of December 21st being a day of significance on a smaller scale, like in your personal life or maybe even something to occur in your town, never came up in the last 3 years. I was constantly thinking of something global, sometimes even universal happening. And in the end, what's really more important? The collective events that occurred in the gigantic world we live in? Or the moments we gather through our time here? 

One of the movies I watched that night was 'The Adjustment Bureau'. For whatever reason, I have a history with this movie. Every time I try watching it, something will interfere. Whether it be the disc not playing or the system not working for a specific disc. Plus the video store only had one copy that they couldn't find, so basically you just hope it reappears.

 Well, the stars aligned on that fateful night for my eyes were finally allowed by the gods to feast upon this visual treasure. Maybe a bit melodramatic there, but it was good. Really good. I was getting a few 'They Live' vibes from it. Which is awesome because I can't say that about most movies. 

And I also have to add, Phil K. Dick, you are some kind of an Angel Wizard.

In the end, it turns out the universe finally letting me see this movie was the best present I ever could have asked for, for this winter solstice extravaganza.


Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Can't stop won't stop till the panties drop

I bought my brother a wolf calendar today.

It had two UPC codes on the back. Of course, one had a 33 and the other, a 333.


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I sync, therefore I am

I got my Superman: Elseworld comic in the mail yesterday. 

This is the "what-if" one that invites the question, "What if baby Kal-El's space vessel crash landed in Gotham City, NY instead of Smallville, KS?" 

Okay, now that I got that out of the way, I'll stop geeking out all over your face.

I was pleased to see what came with it.  

 A 33 on the front and a 333 on the back.


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Rojo o Azul

So I'm in this big room with high ceilings, or maybe it was low floors, my memory is hazy. There's a big guy in sunglasses sitting in a red leather chair. And he says to me, he says, This blue pill makes you go back to sleep and forget all of this. But this red pill allows you to stay in Oz (?) maybe Wonderland, I can't remember. And then he said something about a rabbit's hole. I was afraid one would do nothing. So I took 2 of the red pills. Anyway, to make a long story short, now I can't go a day without seeing coincidences and synchronicities. Thanks a lot Porthos. Or whatever your name was.


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Blessed are the geek for they shall inherit the Earth

It's a very exciting time to be a geek. Cinema continues to evolve in to such an amazing and eclectic art form. It still blows my mind how good everything looks. Yeah, I know, 'Avatar' was the film that "changed" cinema. But if you ask me, what's a great looking film if it has little to no depth or heart? The older I get, the less I care about if the shot was filmed correctly and the more I focus on how the film can alter and expand the viewer's consciousness. It's just more fun that way.

Okay, now as an avid superhero fan since 1986, there are few superhero movies that I haven't at least tried to watch. I did however skip on Halle Berry's 'Catwoman'. But hey, 'Cloud Atlas' was so awesome, I may watch it for shits and giggs just because Halle is a part of that cool ass flick.  The first superhero movie I consider to be the start of the modern age of superhero cinema would probably be 2000's 'X-Men'. The movie was a hit and really opened the flood gates for more superhero properties. It was of course followed by 2 sequels, a spin-off, and a prequel. After 'X-Men's success, geeks around the world got to finally see their favorite superheroes get a chance at shining on the silver screen. Films like 'Daredevil', 'Spider-Man', 'Ghost Rider', 'The Punisher', yes, 'Catwoman', 'Hulk', 'Hellboy', 'The Watchmen', 'The Fantastic Four' and many more. Some were duds and some will forever be remembered.  It's now 12 years later, and these genre pics are getting even bigger and better. Filmmakers and producers are learning from past mistakes and finally catering to the needs of their biggest fan base....The Geeks.

'The Avengers'. It almost sounded like a dream come true.  Iron Man, Captain America, Thor and The Incredible Hulk all on screen at the same time?? Yeah, that definitely sounds wayyy too good to be true, and ambitious to say the least. Oh wait, Joss Whedon is going to direct it? Yeah, okay, sure. I'll believe it when I see it. And you know what folks? Seeing is believing because that shit was awesome. Sure the first two acts may be a bit slow in comparison to the whole, but oh man is the wait worth it. The third act and finale made the film. Whedon delivered the goods so well that I was legitimately surprised by just how terrific the final product turned out to be. So much so, that I'm currently counting down the minutes until 'The Avengers 2'. 

So now I look to the future. What kind of tantalizing geeky properties do we get to feast our eyes on next.
Here's a few projects gestating that I can't wait to see.

Guillermo Del Toro. What a geek. For those who don't know, he's responsible for 'Blade 2' (my favorite 'Blade' installment), the two Hellboy films and 'Pan's Labyrinth'. And while the latter isn't considered geeky per se, it's still a very good movie.  His current project in the works is a little film called 'Pacific Rim'. While details are scarce and no truly revealing pictures have been released, the plot alone has me sold.

"When an alien attack threatens the Earth's existence, giant robots piloted by humans are deployed to fight off the menace."

Two words: Fuck Yeah.

And if that's not enough, Del Toro recently expressed interest in making a DC film called "Heaven Sent" which would be an Avengers-style team up of the supernatural and magical entities of the DC universe. A superhero team film which would feature lesser known anti-heroes such as The Spectre, John Constantine, Swamp-Thing, Etrigan the Demon, Phantom Stranger, Deadman and Zatanna.

Yes Please. Why not spice up the genre and introduce a bombastic, grandiose horror-themed superhero movie? I guess 'Constantine' did that in 2005, but I remember how much better it could have been. The reason I think this will work is because these characters don't really need stand alone films. Use the best qualities of each character to make an amalgamation of otherworldly phantasmagoria.

Hey, did you happen to hear that story about some company called Disney buying Lucasfilm? Oh yeah Lucasfilm made 'Star Wars' by the way. That's right, there's going to be new Star Wars films. Now while that can go either way (we all saw 'The Phantom Menace') I stand optimistic. Just hoping for the best. At this point, that's all we can do.

A few more properties that are on my radar:

  • The Robocop remake (I may be the only one seeing the set pics of Robo's new suit and actually liking it).
  • Stan Lee recently announced that Black Panther and Dr Strange movies are on the way.
  • The sequels to 'Captain America' and 'Thor' as well as the threequel to 'Iron Man'.
  • 'The Twilight Zone' movie which has just announced, has a time travel theme (no surprise there).
  • Zack Snyder's 'Man of Steel' (my fingers are crossed that it's nothing like 'Superman Returns' and that Kevin Costner doesn't stink up the joint).
  • 'The Wolverine' (which is apparently set after 'X-Men: The Final Stand', and that makes me even more excited).


Yes indeed, it is an exciting time to be a geek. Now if Bill Murray would agree to at least make a cameo in a third Ghosbusters, my brain may explode from pure unadulterated ecstasy.


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Let me tell you Astoria

This car parked behind me yesterday.

You'll notice the 33 lines up with the pyramid, and the keyhole is centered perfectly to be the eye on the top.                                                                                                                                                                       


Saturday, October 13, 2012


Perhaps I'm looking for meaning where there is none.
Just the same, I can't ignore a coincidence involving my own life...

              I am the 3rd child of my parents.
My Mother is the 3rd daughter of her parents.
I was born on the 3rd of the month.
       I grew up on 3rd street.


Monday, October 8, 2012

Life's what you make it

I know quite a few people who have all said similar things. And these are people separated by time and space.  These people I'm referring to are, in the nicest way I can think of...Naysayers. I love Urban Dictionary's definition of this unfortunate sect...

One who frequently engages in excessive complaining, negative banter and/or a genuinely poor and downbeat attitude. Naysayers are distinguished by their tendency to consistently view the glass half empty, make frequent one-way trips to negative town, and constantly emphasize the worst of a situation. They have the capacity to rant and whine for hours on end about the most insignificant inconveniences. They tend to travel solo, but have the keen ability to spread their pessimistic attitude to a group of unsuspecting bystanders and encourage others to employ their mindset.
Naysayers tend to blend in with those around them rather well, granted they have learned over the years to adapt to their surroundings. However, when the opportunity arises, their true nature will be exposed and they will stop at nothing to exclude others or bring a general sense of negativity to any situation.
Not to be confused with non-naysayers who fight against the negativity brought forth by naysayers, make the best of a situation and are not afraid to call out a naysayer on the spot. 

I'm not going to sit here and say that I've never had a negative view on the world. There was a period in my life, that my best friend John will attest to, that was a very dark time. It was like the period in the galaxy far, far away between Episodes 3 and 4.  I had become very depressed and cynical. I can say now, it was the saddest I've ever been in my life so far. It made me uncomfortable to be around. No one WANTS to be around an unhappy pessimist. Today, I feel fortunate that I snapped the fuck out of it. My glass isn't half full. It IS full. Because honestly, why the hell shouldn't it be?

Let's face facts right now. The truth of the matter is...YES. The world can suck. It can be discriminatory, disturbing, disgusting, discouraging, dejecting and dispiriting. I would hope that no one would actually disagree with that. But, at the same time, life is a many splendid thing. It lifts us up where we belong. Without life, there would be nothing. The truth is, the planet we all live on, is Earth and while it is argued to be run by a small sector of people who don't have everyone's best interests in mind, it's still our planet. We need to accept things. Acceptance to me, seems to be the key. Once you come to an understanding of the wickedness of it all, and just lay the cards on the table, then you can finally move forward. Yeah, shit sucks, there's child molesters, greedy fucks, murderers, dog punchers, war enthusiasts, and many more monsters scouring this big blue ball of life, but hey....THAT is life.

Since all that really matters is YOUR life, then it seems obvious that people should basically live the way THEY want to live. I do believe that everyone has the right to do what they think is best for them, just as long as they're not intentionally hurting others or the planet while doing it.

I've heard people say things like:
"Well, you know, really, we're born, we live, and we die. So really, what's the point of it all?"

While that is true. We are born, we do live, and we inevitably die, that doesn't mean we have to spend the 70-90 year period on this beautiful world in a constant state of negativity and unhappiness. What a waste of time. The following is a response from a person whose opinion I greatly respect, when I asked him, "What's the meaning of life?"....

"To have as much fun as possible."

So to those people who say, What's the point? I say this:

Fun, love, happiness, sex, drugs, movies, food, the outdoors, alcohol, music, friendships, family, knowledge, surprises.

Now those are just a few of the things that I personally love about life. How cool is it that we have the opportunity to watch 'The Avengers' or eat an ice cream sandwich? There's literally millions of trees that we can climb. And that shit is totally fun. Sometimes, it really is the little things that count. So you really should ask yourself...What are YOU living for?

The following are responses from some of my friends and family when I asked what the meaning of life was to them:

"Love, happiness, success and legacy"

"Life is about experiencing everything and anything that makes you happy. To be on your deathbed
and simply say "that was so much fun""

"To cooperate with the Universe's pattern and thrive"


"-To experience a full range of human emotion.
-To question everything in search of truth.
-To understand that life is not about knowledge, power, and money - but mystery.
-To choose happiness.
-To love other humans and interact with them."

"The meaning of life is to answer to the one true gift we have. FREE WILL. To fight your free will, to go against your natural instinct is sin. We as humans have a gift, free will. Be free, stay free and think free."

"All in all, life is subjective, just like Aristotle said. Define your parameters and 
find your own damn meaning. Also, having fun is cool, too."

"In my opinion there is no meaning. It's the arrogance of man to assume a grand position in the scheme of the galaxy."

""You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life. -Albert Camus""


"I don't know so much about the meaning of life, but I've always felt that the purpose of life is to learn and experience as much as possible. And don't be a cunt."


Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Baler of Destiny

Thursday. September 20th. 1:45 pm.
I was having a conversation with my brother about a recent dream I had.  I had work at 2, and left the house at 1:50.  While on the way to start my shift, I remembered another portion of the previous evening's dream. I dreamt of the baler at work. The big ol' green bastard that molds loose cardboard in to a neatly packed cube.  In the dream, a co worker had told me that the baler was broken. I didn't really react. I figured, I dreamt this scenario because Thursday is the day that I make a bale. I thought to myself, that would be neat if my subconscious was laying out bread crumbs. Maybe I would go to work and find a 20 dollar bill next to the baler.

So I get to work, I go to the baler and look for anything different or strange. Part of me thought I might find an owl or something equally significant. On the front of the machine, there are ridges.  Ridges big enough to hold random items. Usually these items are damaged products or just loose tools. Hammers, screwdrivers, etc. Today, I noticed an orange toy, a hairspray bottle, packaging to a toy car, some gloves, and a pair of scissors. Nothing too odd. I go about my business and make the bale. When I'm done, I close the door (hatch?). Something falls off the ridge and on to the ground. It's the orange toy.

Which by further inspection, seems to be a cement mixer? I examine it closely. On the bottom, it says Made in China. But there's something else on the vibrant orange plastic.

7333, with the 7 kind of hiding behind the wheel. This is where my heart started beating fast. My chest was pumping, I was so freaked out. That is just TOO fucking weird, right? What are the Gods (BSG anyone?) Damn odds?

Immediately, this situation reminded me of the choosing process from 'Seven Years in Tibet'. The scene where they are trying to find the new Dalai Lama by exposing children to certain objects to see if they "make the right choice". A similar scene occurs in the 4th season episode of 'LOST', "Cabin Fever". Too weird man....too fucking weird.


Monday, September 10, 2012

Ask and ye shall receive

"So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."

I never really thought about the story behind the bible verse/phrase that a lot of people have heard through out their lives. So here's a theory...
While keeping up with the works of specific synchronicity observers (notably Christopher C. Myers, Alan Abbadessa-Green, Andras Jones, Jake Kotze) I have noticed that a lot of it has to do with following the signs. If you follow the signs, you will find your destiny. Which reminds me of the awesome quote from 'Jeff, Who Lives at Home':

"Everyone and everything is interconnected in this universe. Stay pure of heart and you will see the signs. Follow the signs, and you will uncover your destiny."

I have already taken note that synchronicity seem to occur a lot more often when I am in a happy and positive mood. Luckily, I've had some great moods lately, so the syncs have been flowing like the salmon of Capistrano. 
Recently, I needed a little extra cash. I've never been very good with finances.  I decided to sell my video camera. It's outdated and I already told myself I wouldn't film with it again.  So I post it on craigslist. 3 weeks. No hits. One guy shows some interest but he doesn't make an offer.  So on Saturday, September 8, I'm sitting at the computer, thinking of how I need some cash. That's when I get a call. It's the interested buyer. He says he'll buy it, so I meet up with him. I get the 50 bucks I asked for the camera and was stoked to have some spending dough. That's when it happens. The man tells me:

"I work for a television station."

ME: "Oh cool, which one?"

"Telemundo 33"

Of course a 33 came up. That's when I thought about following the signs. 33 being an indication that you're on the right path, made total sense at this moment. I was ecstatic by the synchrotastic awesomeness. Fast forward to that evening. I had thought that morning how I needed to get some more of my favorite lotion. As far as I knew, I could only get it in the bay area, specifically through my aunt. Well, I see said Aunt on Saturday evening and she has a present for me. I go to her daughter's hotel room to get it. She's in Room 233. And the gift is the exact brand of lotion I needed. I never once told anyone that I needed a refill.

Ask.....and ye shall receive.


Saturday, August 25, 2012

Strange Days

For anyone who has read my previous posts, you'll notice that I frequently talk about the 333 phenomenon.
On August 23rd, 2012 (I think it's significant to note that the following events occurred on 23) I "accidentally" discovered a new blog while perusing the interwebs for some synchronistic goodies.  The blog in question is Mike Clelland's 'Hidden Experience'. So I'm scrolling through, just browsing, when 333 shows up. Of course it does. He has a post about a recent podcast he's done where he discusses 333 and its relation to UFOs. This is news to me. I've been probing the history of this number for the last 2 years, and never found any overwhelming evidence of it's connection with extraterrestrials. Besides of course the fact that Roswell, NM is located on the 33rd parallel and that the mountain that 33% of the angels descended upon, was supposedly on this same line.  I immediately download the podcast.

Mike talks about his own number syncs, specifically with 12345 and how he conversed with a girl named Megan on facebook. A woman who claimed to have been abducted by UFOs.  One night, he's watching the film 'Catfish' and the movie freezes on the scene occurring when the main character says something along the lines of, "Megan isn't who she said she is." Mike notices to his surprise that the timer on the DVD player reads, 1 hour 23 minutes and 45 seconds.  Later he discusses the 333/UFO connection.  3:33 am being a common time where people report having otherworldly encounters. 3:33 am also being a time where the human body would essentially be at its weakest and most vulnerable. His interview ended, and no more than second later, I look at the clock to make sure I won't run late for work. The oven clock reads 1:23 pm. If that wasn't a sign hitting me over the head, I don't what is.

I decided to look in to this alien abduction enigma more intently.  I found it very intriguing that not only is a number I've been seeing since puberty is involved but also owls. I can't remember when it started, but for at least 5 years now, I've had an urging to be surrounded by the animals. Now it's to the point where there are a dozen or so owl trinkets sitting on my bookcase, watching over me every night and the collection only continues to expand.  This is where "paranoia" steps in. A flood of thoughts fills my head. It's not possible I've been abducted right? I've never given the idea much thought. If any.  It seems to me that if you've had an experience with something beyond a human, that there would be some remnants of said event.  That's the problem with traumatic events though. The human mind is so powerful that if an individual experiences something overwhelmingly disturbing or intense, or perhaps just something so odd that it doesn't fit in your reality construct, then you will "forget" about it. Some inklings of a memory may remain or you might wipe it out completely. Repressed memories. They are scary. So I guess that the aliens doing these abductions could be using a technology that strictly inhibits recalling specific memories on their prey.  But also, it could be a simpler explanation. That these beings could be wiping their memory, but can't battle the overall power of the human mind. That sometimes, a human's consciousness will refuse to forget about something, and continually put forward clues for its host body to re-discover the truth.

And just a nice little synchrotastic log to add to the fire...
After listening to this podcast, I just wanted to see if my blog was coming up on google. So I searched '333 Dominic Risso'.  The first page was a man named Dominic Rizzo's twitter account. His handle of course being @drizz333.

And now the clincher. After I did a little research, I decided to e-mail Mike. Any time I see someone talk about 333, I'll go out of my way to ask them for assistance in my ongoing quest for answers. Mike was kind enough to write me back. He said: "...I am not sure what these might mean, but I sense it is a cosmic "urging" to pay attention. Beyond that, i can't really say." I found it interesting because when I conversed with synchromystic blogger, Christopher C. Myers, he said something very similar. I couldn't help but think though, "WHAT AM I PAYING ATTENTION TO???"  The next day, on August 24th, I woke up to news about a shooting at the empire state building. Just another shooting to add to the list, which seem to be occurring quicker than every before.  The shooting of course took place primarily on 33rd street.

In closing, I can't say I was abducted or that I even believe such a possibility is plausible. I'm very skeptical of the whole alien abduction phenom. But regardless, I've learned throughout the last couple years, that when the universe presents things to you in such an abrupt fashion, that even if it is balls to the walls owl shit crazy, that it's not a bad thing to look in to it.  It doesn't matter if you believe it or not. You can be an atheist and read the bible and not burst in to flames.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Shadow Man Cometh PART 2

So after I posted my expose on the Shadow Man, I drew a tarot card.

Seven of Wands - Valour

The description had this to say:

The Seven of Wands is entering Netzach - the depths of creativity and anarchy standing under the number of destiny. And like for all the Seven's, the leaving of the beautiful Tiphareth comes like the fall from paradise. But Fire is a fighter, and though the element seems to be burning down, it will struggle to survive.

So the Seven of Wands talks of a situation where we have to face up forces stronger than ourself, situations that at first sight seem hopeless, yet we'll have to use all that we've learned and fight.

Drive: Courage, fighting spirit, overcoming opposition

Light: Initiation, rebirth

Shadow: Getting attacked, facing hardships

Shadow: Getting attacked? Like getting attacked by a Shadow Man?

That's enough confirmation for me. The time is now to call out the Shadow Man and vanquish him.

Wish me luck.


The Shadow Man Cometh

I'll be the first one to admit that I'm a scaredy-cat. It's never taken much to startle me. Walk around the corner at the right moment and you'll most likely jolt me. I've always been afraid of things. Even to this day, I battle with a moderate fear of the dark. This all started about 2 months ago that one night when I was on mushrooms, I walked out the front door and saw a figure on the sidewalk. All black. It didn't even look like this "person" was wearing clothes necessarily. It looked like the cut out of a human, but with no dimensions. He was all black. Like a walking abyss of nothingness. Basically, this figure acted like he noticed me standing there. It's head turned at me abruptly and then quickly started shuffling its feet and began running toward me. To say the least, I freaked the fuck out and slammed the door shut. Breathing heavy and being scared as shit, I panicked and tried locking the door as quickly as possible. I was actually in such a state of fear, that I really couldn't get the lock to turn over. I stood there, with my hands on the door, holding it shut, breathing hard, my heart pumping rapidly, just hoping this being/figure/man/meth head, whatever it was, didn't try and get in the house. After about 15 seconds, I realized no one was there. I opened the door and saw no one. Not even someone walking down the street. Hands down, one of the scariest things I've ever experienced. The whole situation reminded me of a nightmare. In my dreams, I've always escaped scary situations by curling up in to a ball, which to this day, still wakes me up. A defense mechanism I suppose. But this wasn't a dream. This was reality. This was something occurring in front of my waking eyes.

By the by, I refer to this being as The Shadow Man. It makes the most sense to me. "Shadow Man" also conjures memories of Mega Man. Who fought a master robot with the same name. It just so happens that this character appears in Mega Man 3. Which also was my favorite of the Mega Man series. If that wasn't enough, before I began writing this article, I looked up Shadow Man's level on MM3, on youtube. The video for it is 3:30 minutes long.

So now,  let's talk about Monday, August 20th 2012. Around 6 am, I was dreaming. I was sleeping over at a friend's house, in his brother's room, since he was out and about at the time. Basically, the part of the dream I remembered is when I was standing on grass, looking at a street, with houses behind it. I assumed I was just in a front yard. In front of me, I see someone riding a bicycle. It's the Shadow Man! I shit you not. All black. No clothes. He turned to me, quickly, jumped off the bike and started sprinting toward me. He got so close that I saw him 2 inches away from my face. I was terrified and did what I do best, and curled up in to a ball. I jolted back in to reality. Breathing hard, sweating, thanking the Gods that I got to wake up.

The next day, I told the owner of the room about it. He said, non nonchalantly, "Oh, so you saw the shadow man, huh?" I was confused. I hadn't told him about my past experiences with this shadow being. He explains to me that his room has some weird shit going on in it.  He constantly has strange dreams and even sees shadow beings in his mirror sometimes. Pretty fucking bizarre if you ask me. Even though it was a terrifying dream, the possibility of a room with an invisible power like that intrigued me. I decided to sleep in the room again the next night so I could potentially call upon the shadow man in order to extinguish my fears and confront the demon, so to speak. The second night didn't attract the shadow man, but I did still dream. In fact, I became somewhat lucid in said dream.  Which in itself was rewarding seeing as how I've been attempting to harness the power of lucidity for about 2 decades. Very detailed and very auditory. I heard voices and sounds and I usually don't recall sounds in dreams.

So why is this happening? What is the potential cause of this flux of weird energy? It can't all be in my head, right? Others see shadow men too. Not just my friend.  After this dream, I simply googled, "Shadow Man". The wikipedia page being the first site. The way that people describe their encounters with these beings, is almost word for word how I felt. So no, this is not just in my head. This is not a coincidence.  My main theory is that this figure is either a manifestation of internal fear OR an inter dimensional being that preys on fear.  Whenever this Shadow Man turns and looks at me, it feels like I might be somewhere I'm not supposed to be and this being knows it. Running after me may simply be to chase me out of "his or her" world. I also think that maybe in whatever dimension this figure resides in, perhaps, I appear to him as a shadow man. It's all very intriguing. Only time will tell, but I feel like I haven't seen the last of the Shadow Man.


Saturday, August 4, 2012

To Sync or not to Sync

I wasn't planning on posting something today, but when I signed in to blogspot, this banner popped up.
