So I get to work, I go to the baler and look for anything different or strange. Part of me thought I might find an owl or something equally significant. On the front of the machine, there are ridges. Ridges big enough to hold random items. Usually these items are damaged products or just loose tools. Hammers, screwdrivers, etc. Today, I noticed an orange toy, a hairspray bottle, packaging to a toy car, some gloves, and a pair of scissors. Nothing too odd. I go about my business and make the bale. When I'm done, I close the door (hatch?). Something falls off the ridge and on to the ground. It's the orange toy.
Which by further inspection, seems to be a cement mixer? I examine it closely. On the bottom, it says Made in China. But there's something else on the vibrant orange plastic.
Immediately, this situation reminded me of the choosing process from 'Seven Years in Tibet'. The scene where they are trying to find the new Dalai Lama by exposing children to certain objects to see if they "make the right choice". A similar scene occurs in the 4th season episode of 'LOST', "Cabin Fever". Too weird man....too fucking weird.