Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Meg Foster and her hypnotic eyeballs

The following events occurred on Monday, March 4, 2013.

First point to make is that during Monday morning, my brother mentioned to me that ever since I told him about the owl that sometimes shows up outside the right side of the house, he now has been hearing it. And he didn't before I brought it up.

Monday started off with a video of Bill Hicks:

Between 3 and 3:30 pm, I was on the computer watching a trailer for Rob Zombie's 'Lords of Salem'. Toward the end, when they showed three witches, I noticed one of them resembling an old wrinkly Meg Foster (They Live, Oblivion (1994), Masters of the Universe). So I head to IMDb to see if it's her. It was her and it just so happens that one of her more recent credits is a film called '333'.

I should also note something I just realized while writing this. The two movies in question have her playing a character with two Ms. MM resonating Mercury's Messenger AKA Christopher Hunter Myers. Someone who has recently piqued my interest in Magick.

So it turns out '333' was retitled, 'Tormented Souls'. While watching the film's trailer, this screenshot appears:

"This world is a lie and mankind's only wish is to be deceived."

It was at this point that I started hearing hooting. Yes, the owl happened to show up outside the window at the exact moment of synchronicity. I went outside to look at it but it was already gone. 

Fast forward about an hour. We're out and about, looking for a fix-it part (I don't want to bore myself with the details yet alone the reader). The person I'm with wanted a drink so we stop at a gas station. When we get there, I see a woman just staring at a dog tied up outside. I didn't see anything particularly interesting about it. That was until it looked at me. Jet black fur and piercing blue/white eyes. I shit you not, Meg Foster eyes like a motherfucker. This picture might not show exactly how hypnotic they were, but it definitely stood out as something meaningful. 

It always blows my mind when something like this happens. For one, I could have chosen to go to any gas station in town. But it just so happened that we ended up at one containing a dog with Meg Foster eyes. And the timing is a factor also. Had we taken a wrong turn, hit a stop light/traffic, that dog may not have been there.

Weird shit. Weird, weird shit.


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