Friday, December 30, 2011

An Intense Dream Worth Immortalizing.

Wow. Well...last night was interesting. My dream was long and vivid. It started off at a big house at night, where a party was taking place. My oldest brother, being the host. I'm there, mingling and socializing. Some friends and family pop up.  At one point, I see Christopher H. Myers. I've been reading a lot of his posts lately and listening to his shows, so this isn't too strange to me. I shake his hand and tell him how the other day, I saw a license plate that read, "6GMM777". The MM 777 being relevant. The dream continues. At some point, I end up walking through the parking lot at the community center of my home town of Ripon, CA. I'm walking alongside a guy my age, I can't remember who, but I do remember that he was a friend of mine. Behind us is 4 of my aunts. They are all asking me if I've ever smoked pot or done drugs. I avoid the questioning and try to change the subject. A second later, big flashes of red occur above my head. I deduce that it's a UFO. I stare up, and it continues to flash red, like it's taking pictures. It moves off. Suddenly, a giant, white and black machine, that has the ability to hover, comes near us, also snapping photos. This time, it's clear, because I see the lens and hear the shutter. This machine is property of Ripon. It says Ripon on the side of it. Another word I recognized was BOCOM. and BOAN. These two words, even though they look similar, were separate on the ship. This is when I awake.

I immediately jot all this down on paper. I go to the computer and search: BOCOM. What comes up is a Swedish site for wireless communications, satellites, cell phones, etc. The site has this picture:

Now, my first thought when I saw this, was: "That kind of looks like the shape of a flying saucer." A lot of people can say, Oh, you're just reaching. But it's undeniable that this image looks more like a UFO than it does a cow, a palm tree, or a starfish.

Then I look up BOAN. The first site to come up is Bob Boan is a scientist and writer. Some of his books discuss preparing for an alien invasion.

I don't want to discredit my consciousness, but I honestly have never heard of this man or knew of his relation to UFOs. Of course, there's always that possibility that I read about him years ago and the information was stored in my subconscious. Freaky dream, indeed. 


Thursday, December 29, 2011

Lost in the Fog

'Lost in the Fog'
by Dominic Albert Risso

I was born in to a world, almost like a product on to an assembly line.
I adopted my surroundings, because I had no other choice.
I was taught about dogmas and archetypes, that everyone else was already
worshiping for years before my birth.
I was just as lost as all my peers.
And to this day, remain to be.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Sigil Signs

Well, my first sigil test turned out strange. I lost the paper that had the drawing of my sigil on it. Which in itself is strange because I don't lose things often.  So I re drew the sigil on another paper, and ended up losing that too. When things like this occur, I take them as a sign. For whatever reason, maybe that first sigil was the wrong thing to attempt to achieve. Maybe it's unattainable. Either way, I've started a new sigil that I've just charged and will continue to meditate on. Updates to follow.


Friday, December 23, 2011

Sigil Test

I've begun my first Sigil experiment. Star date 12-23-2011. 23 is a good number, so I'll add that positive energy to the current stream of positiveness I'm directing toward my Sigil. Updates to follow.


'The Experience' by Dominic Albert Risso

‘The Experience’
A Short Story by Dominic Albert Risso

                Light years away, in the Primrose galaxy, a flourishing  kingdom led by a dying king faced a turning point. Even though his only son was the rightful heir, Prince Myriad was anything but right for this sacred position. He was brash, arrogant, and even cruel. He took for granted the gold he owned and the power he adopted.  A boy in adult skin, he had little respect for others. He treated his fellow man the same way a chef would handle expired food.
                In this world, a technology existed. A special chair only used for dire situations. Since the Prince was the only one that could lawfully inherit the crown, it was almost a requirement that he have, “The Experience”. Myriad was sat in the cold, steel chair. Two neon blue sensors, attached to dull green wires were placed on both of his temples. A half helmet riddled with blinking lights, hovered above his head.  The eldest doctor approached the Prince’s side.
“Myriad,” the doctor said bluntly, “This is how it will be.  You are not fit to rule this kingdom. You know nothing about life and its counter parts. You are like a flower that feeds off of star light. When you were a child, you were taught of Earth. This distant planet is home to hollow vessels known as humans. They incubate our souls. We are about to transmit your life force in to a suitable host. The life span could be anywhere from 65 to 80 years. Maybe longer. You will feel every second of it. But while you are living this experience, you will have no memory of your current life. In fact, you will think of yourself as a human and nothing more. From our perspective, no more than a minute will pass. It begins with the light and ends with the light. Myriad…Are you ready?”
                The Prince nods and lets his body relax. The scientists exit the room, observing through the glass partition. A switch is pressed and a flood of science is catapulted in to Myriad’s body.  His sternum jolts in to the air, while his eyes roll back in to his skull. The next thing he sees is a blinding white light. He finds himself in the small, fragile body of a newborn human baby. He is pulled from the womb of a beautiful woman. This baby belongs to a middle class family. Not poor, but not rich. He lives in America. He is the youngest of three children. He lives a modest life. His parents raise him to be a caring, respectful boy. He receives an adequate education. He knows that the key to a good, noble existence is to treat others the way that he wishes to be treated. He experiences love. Several times in fact. But with the good, comes the bad. This Earthling experiences the agonizing discomfort of losing his Mother to a dreadful evil known as cancer. He also gets in to meaningless squabbles with strangers. He watches films and listens to songs. They change his way of thinking. They alter his view of the world in front of him. He makes mistakes. He sees breathtaking sunsets, mountains, seas, and ancient ruins. He even marries a fellow human and pro-creates. He lives a full, genuine life. Sure he has regrets, but they are quite minute compared to the overall whirlwind of positive emotion. When his host body spends 88 years in full swing, he finds that his soul needs to find somewhere else to dwell. He passes peacefully in his bed. When he closes his eyes, instead of seeing the black behind his eyelids, he is again visited by this dimension-less white light. Myriad’s eyes return to normal. The helmet retracts and the doctors re-enter the room to remove the sensors from his head.
                “Myriad. Did it work?” asked the doctor. The Prince smiled in a way that no one had seen before. This smile was immediately followed by a stream of tears. Both happy and sad ones. He is informed that 33 seconds have passed. At first, this concept is very difficult for Myriad’s mind to grasp. “I was there for 88 years. I had two daughters, a gorgeous wife, an affectionate Mother, a supportive Father, and two wonderful, caring brothers. It was an experience unlike any other. It was beautiful, disturbing, whimsical, and horrifying.” The doctor nodded with a straight face and said, “It was necessary.”

Friday, December 16, 2011

Is Hollywood Spying On Me?

So let me tell you a little story.
A movie came out in 1990, when I was 4, called 'Kindergarten Cop'.

It starred this man:

The movie was about a cop going undercover as a kindergarten teacher in order to find a fugitive who was planning to reunite with his son.  The son being in this kindergarten class.

The boy's name was Dominic.
My name is Dominic.
We both had blonde hair and blue eyes and kind of looked alike.
His Mother in the film's name was Joyce.
My Mother's name is Joyce.
The movie also came out a year before I was to enter kindergarten.
Also, me and this kid had the same shirt.


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Different Strokes For Different Blue Folks?

My last post talked about hearing of "ancient blue people" and "blue-bloods" only to see John Carter of Mars drenched in blue blood. Well today, I'm watching The Colbert Report with my brother, describing the story to him.  He stops me by pointing out a pop up ad in the video advertising the fungus dwelling blue people movie, 'The Smurfs'.

Just 10 minutes ago, I get a Christmas card in the mail from my cousin and her boyfriend.  The card has multiple photos of the two, one of which involves them dressed as Smurfette and Papa Smurf respectively.

Rewind to Colbert Report. After watching the episode, we watched The Daily Show w/ Jon Stewart. Things started off normal, until he did a bit where he was sitting at a desk made to look like it's in the oval office.  He puts up a framed photo of two zebras fornicating. Zebra syncs were also mentioned in my previous post.  He gets embarrassed and replaces the photo with one of him with the cast of 'Different Strokes'.  You can ask any of my friends or select family members to confirm, but in the last month or so I've been using a phrase a lot to describe my opinion on accepting people for who they are and what they choose to believe.  The phrase is, "Different strokes for different folks."  I find it strange to see two syncs within 30 seconds of each other.  Strange enough to post the video below...

"Synchronicity and coincidence are the same thing, only the individual bias over whether the relationship is meaningful or arbitrary changes."
-Jake Kotze

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Weird 'N' Wild Times

A lot of synchronisic events have been occuring as of late.  Lions are still popping up.  My email for this blog is Zebroid33.  Zebroid being: the offspring of any cross between a zebra and any other equine.   Well...zebras are coming up now too.  When you work in retail, especially at a general department store, I feel like you are open to seeing a lot of things that you wouldn't see at a grocery store or restaurant.  The options aren't as limited as they normally would be.  Also, what I've been taking note of lately is that I'm in sync with whatever I'm watching. Example: I'm cooking in the kitchen and an episode of 'Clark and Michael' is on in the background.  Right when I reach for the colander, I hear the line, "Mike, where's the colander!?" @1:58

Also, when numbers are involved.  I've been reading a lot of Christopher H. Myers' blog lately, Mercury's Messenger.  The other day I was reading about the number 27 and for the rest of the day, the number kept popping up whenever it had the chance.  I was listening to Peter Moon's recent interview on Red Ice Radio a couple days ago. He was talking about an ancient race of blue people and blue bloods.  Well, yesterday, I watched the new trailer for 'John Carter' which is based on Edgar Rice Burroughs' 'John Carter of Mars' and saw a shot of the hero covered in blue blood.  This is the second trailer released for the film.  The first one did not contain this shot.
