Friday, December 30, 2011

An Intense Dream Worth Immortalizing.

Wow. Well...last night was interesting. My dream was long and vivid. It started off at a big house at night, where a party was taking place. My oldest brother, being the host. I'm there, mingling and socializing. Some friends and family pop up.  At one point, I see Christopher H. Myers. I've been reading a lot of his posts lately and listening to his shows, so this isn't too strange to me. I shake his hand and tell him how the other day, I saw a license plate that read, "6GMM777". The MM 777 being relevant. The dream continues. At some point, I end up walking through the parking lot at the community center of my home town of Ripon, CA. I'm walking alongside a guy my age, I can't remember who, but I do remember that he was a friend of mine. Behind us is 4 of my aunts. They are all asking me if I've ever smoked pot or done drugs. I avoid the questioning and try to change the subject. A second later, big flashes of red occur above my head. I deduce that it's a UFO. I stare up, and it continues to flash red, like it's taking pictures. It moves off. Suddenly, a giant, white and black machine, that has the ability to hover, comes near us, also snapping photos. This time, it's clear, because I see the lens and hear the shutter. This machine is property of Ripon. It says Ripon on the side of it. Another word I recognized was BOCOM. and BOAN. These two words, even though they look similar, were separate on the ship. This is when I awake.

I immediately jot all this down on paper. I go to the computer and search: BOCOM. What comes up is a Swedish site for wireless communications, satellites, cell phones, etc. The site has this picture:

Now, my first thought when I saw this, was: "That kind of looks like the shape of a flying saucer." A lot of people can say, Oh, you're just reaching. But it's undeniable that this image looks more like a UFO than it does a cow, a palm tree, or a starfish.

Then I look up BOAN. The first site to come up is Bob Boan is a scientist and writer. Some of his books discuss preparing for an alien invasion.

I don't want to discredit my consciousness, but I honestly have never heard of this man or knew of his relation to UFOs. Of course, there's always that possibility that I read about him years ago and the information was stored in my subconscious. Freaky dream, indeed. 


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