Thursday, January 17, 2013

Tabloid Tableau

While waiting in line at the grocery store, you inevitably find yourself face to face with tabloid magazines.  I suppose you could always look the other direction and peruse the candy selection, but then you'll most likely end up buying some. The other day, one of the back covers of a popular magazine, "PEOPLE", caught my eye.

This is a 2012 'yearbook' collage.

Geriatric actor turned director yelling at an empty chair?
Blue haired big tittie pop star?
Child actress turned DUI enthusiast/probation collector?
Brad Pitt?
South Korean pop star doing a horse dance?
Screenshot from a movie where tweens & teenagers fight to the death?
Obese little girl known for eating melted butter 'n' ketchup?
Mass killer responsible for the death of 12 and injuring of 58 innocent people in a movie theater?

Are these sick fucks at 'People' really trying to tell us that deranged murderers go hand in hand with movie stars? Could that not, if only subconsciously, influence copy cats? Giving them some sort of false hope that if they also commit heinous crimes, they can be celebrities?


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